Terms of use and disclaimer
We are very sorry but for everyone’s protection we have to give a rather heavy and detailed disclaimer in relation to both the website and the magazine. While we don’t wish to deter bona fide and relevant readers from looking at the contents of the website and magazine, it does make sense that you read the terms of use and disclaimer below.
For the UK charity sector only
Both the general information and comment Charities Management website and Charities Management magazine are produced for the attention of the UK charity sector only. They are particularly aimed at charity trustees and senior charity executives. If you are an ordinary member of the public with no involvement with the charity sector, or if you are based outside the UK, both the site and the magazine are not for you – so please leave the site and the magazine now.
No specific advice is given
Please note that all content on the Charities Management website and in the Charities Management magazine, whether editorial or advertising, do not give specific advice related to individual circumstances. All material is of a general nature only and should be perceived as such. Please be certain that you fully understand this. Thus you will appreciate, for instance, that legal, investment and other financial articles and advertisements do not convey specific advice or recommendations of any kind for particular situations relating to you personally or your organisation.
Investment advertising and editorial in particular
When reading advertisements or articles connected with investment, whether in the emailed magazine or on the website, please note the following:
Nothing in an advertisement or article constitutes advice to undertake a transaction, and professional advice should be taken before investing. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of any investment and the income from it is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise, so you may not realise the amount originally invested. Where an investment is denominated in a currency other than sterling, changes in exchange rates between currencies may cause investment values and/or income to rise and fall.
Editorial content - no criticism of character or professionalism
In relation to both the website and the magazine, unless a person or organisation is specifically mentioned, no reference should be taken as being made to any person or organisation by implication. Where any direct reference is made to a person or organisation no criticism should be inferred unless that criticism is directly stated. In the event of any perceived inaccuracy or unfairness, immediate contact should be made with the editor to enable a sensible discussion to take place.
Articles and other material are published in good faith without responsibility on the part of the publishers or authors for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any views expressed therein. Opinions expressed in this issue or any other issue should not be regarded as the official view of the editor except where stated.
No criticism of any kind - whether direct, indirect or by implication - is made of the character or professionalism of any individual or organisation whether named or otherwise. There should be no perception of such criticism.
© Richard Blausten 2025 Charities Management is published by Richard Blausten of Mitre House Publishing.
Sheria, Whitfield Lane, South Petherton, TA13 5DF. Telephone 01460 241106. Email: richardblausten@outlook.com
ISSN 0964-9093.